Friday 11 November 2016

ISIS Killed over 70 Mosul Civilians as Iraqi Forces Advance further

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The battle to retake Mosul, the ISIS terrorist last major stronghold in Iraq, is now in its fourth week,
while Iraqi troops have pushed into the east of the city.

“Our forces have begun the attack on Arbajiyah. The clashes are ongoing,” Staff Lieutenant Colonel
Muntadhar Salem said, referring to an area in the east of the city.

According to United Nation ISIS (ISIL, IS and Daesh) shot dead 40 civilians on Tuesday in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul after accusing them of treason, the United Nations says.

Their bodies were then hung from electricity poles in several districts, the office of the UN Human Rights Commissioner said, citing sources.

A man was also reportedly shot dead in public in central Mosul for ignoring an ISIS ban on using
mobile phones.

The killings of the civilians appeared to have been carried out on the orders of self-appointed "courts",
according to the UN report.

The UN says 20 civilians were also shot dead on Wednesday evening at the Ghabat military base in
northern Mosul, supposedly for leaking information.

The UN also expressed concern at ISIS deployment of teenagers and young boys. Children are
apparently seen in an ISIS video issued on Wednesday shooting dead four people for spying.

ISIS also announced on 6 November that it had beheaded seven militants for deserting the battlefield in
the Kokjali district of eastern Mosul, the UN says.

Among the sources cited for the UN's information was a man who played dead during a mass killing by ISIS terrorists.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein called for the government to "act quickly to restore effective law enforcement in areas retaken from ISIL (ISIS) to ensure that captured
fighters and their perceived supporters are dealt with according to the law".

Troops have reportedly been consolidating gains made in the eastern outskirts of Mosul, which they
entered nine days ago amid fierce fighting.

Above Footage shows Peshmerga forces continue to clear the recently recaptured town of Bashiqa of
improvised explosive devices left by Islamic State militants.


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