Tuesday 13 September 2016

DONALD Trump called France and Germany's open door immigration policy 'a disaster'.

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Donald Trump and Angela Merkel
Speaking on the campaign trail, the Republican nominee also took aim at his presidential rival Hillary Clinton for wanting to welcome in unlimited amounts of migrants to the US.

The business tycoon said: “It’s a disaster. It’s a total disaster, on top of which you have to much migration which is destroying Europe.

"Look at Merkel, what happened to her in the election is incredible.”
Merkel and Francois Hollande
It comes as Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party finished a third in regional election in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, falling behind the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party (AfD) –which was only established three years ago.

Trump added: “Germany is a disaster now. France is a disaster. And you look at the election results, they were so bad.

"People were saying oh, think she’ll be OK. I don’t think she’ll be OK. I was saying two weeks ago, I said why would she be OK?

"Millions of people go into Germany. The crime is unbelievable. The problems they’re having is unbelievable and Hillary Clinton wants to be the Merkel of the United States, OK?

"It’s not gonna happen. I tell you what, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

Trump's comments come as the race for the White House enters the home straight, with just 61 days until the country elects a new President.

The most recent poll released yesterday puts Trump sitting on 45 per cent compared to Clinton's 43 per cent.


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