Friday 16 December 2016

Must Read: Israel President Netanyahu responds to Iran's threat

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Tel Aviv-Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Iran explicitly during his two-day visit to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

“I want to say in the clearest way: Whoever thinks of attacking us, will be attacked,” Netanyahu said.

“Whoever considers destroying us puts himself in existential danger. This is an essential condition for ensuring our future.”

Before leaving, Netanyahu spoke about the significance of the trip.

He said: “These are two large and significant countries in the Islamic world and our goal is to strengthen diplomatic, security and economic relations with them.”

“This is part of a clear policy of going out to the world. Israel’s relations are flourishing in an unprecedented manner. This is also the first, historic, visit by an Israeli Prime Minister to Kazakhstan.”

“It’s the second Prime Minister’s visit to Azerbaijan. I know because I made the first visit almost two decades ago and I met with the father of the current leader.”

Following Netanyahu’s talks Tuesday with Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev, officials signed economic cooperation agreements in the fields of agriculture, prevention of double taxation and mutual quality standards.

Netanyahu said Israel is willing to expand trade and cooperation on information technologies.


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