Wednesday 30 November 2016

Donald Trump: I Will Leave My Business to Focus on Presidency

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President-elect Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday that he is drawing up documents that will "take me completely out" of his business operations "in order to fully focus on running the country."

In early-morning tweets, the real-estate mogul was scant on details but said he would hold a news conference with his children on Dec. 15 to talk about his departure from his self-branded businesses and Trump Organization empire.

"While I am not mandated to .... do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses," Trump tweeted.

In another tweet, he said "legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more important task!"
The president-elect last held a news conference 126 days ago but has been using Twitter as his main means to communicate.

While on the campaign trail, Trump has said he would turn over the Trump Organization to his children and would not talk about it with them. But his more than 500 companies that span multiple industries is already raising serious questions into how he can navigate conflicts of interest as both president and CEO.

While there aren't any legal issues if he hands the reins of his business to his children, it would still come off shady, Gary Hufbauer, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, previously told NBC News.

"It's hard to see how you keep this wall between you and your children … It's hard to imagine that Trump wouldn't know what was going on with these properties, with how they are performing, if money is coming in or not, and decisions on buying new properties," Hufbauer said. "There's not the same degree of ignorance you would have with a blind trust."


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