Saturday, 1 October 2016

Video: US President Obama yells 'Bill, let's go' at Bill Clinton

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US President Obama
He’s got a country to run, Bill! Bill Clinton left President Barack Obama waiting on Air Force One after attending the funeral of president Shimon Peres in Tel Aviv. Peres, who was one of the last living founders of Israel died at age 93 on Wednesday, September 28, two weeks after suffering a stroke.

Britain’s Sky News captured President Obama, 55, standing inside the plane growing more and more impatient with Clinton, 70, the former president delayed their departure back to the United States. Clinton was reportedly chatting on the tarmac with Secretary of State John Kerry, according to

The current president, who is known for his relatively calm and cool demeanor, appeared as if he couldn’t wait for Clinton to finish his conversation. With his suit jacket off and his sleeves rolled up, he sighed, clapped three times and then shouted from the plane’s entryway twice, “Bill, let’s go!”
US President Obama, Bill CLinton
Moments later, with a talkative Clinton still not on the aircraft, the visibly exasperated but still smiling father of Malia , 18, and Sasha , 15, returned to the entryway and tried again yelling, “Bill! Let’s go. We gotta
go home!” The two presidents were reportedly due back to the capital at dinner time.

Eventually, Clinton whose wife of 40 years, Hillary Clinton , was campaigning for the presidency Friday in Florida was finally ready to make the journey back to Washington, D.C., and joined Obama on the plane with a quick pat on the back.



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