Change your Yahoo password immediately.
1. Reset this password, if you're reusing it on other online sites. Cybercriminals are now using tools that sniff out passwords reused on other, more valuable sites to make their work easier and to make the stolen passwords and other hacked data more lucrative on the dark web.
2. Make all new passwords different and difficult to guess – yes, you need to create different passwords for every site you visit.
3. Include upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols to make passwords harder to crack - refer to the Sophos Password Quick Tips guide for creating stronger passwords.
4. Don’t trust password strength meters - these are unreliable and inaccurate.
5. In general, it’s always good practice to update your passwords, password manager and security questions, if you hear of a potential data breach that might affect you. Even data breaches from several years ago could still impact you today.
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