Monday 19 September 2016

See what a Single mum said to thieves who smashed her car windows twice in a week

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A woman whose car was attacked by thieves who smashed its windows has reacted in a thoughtful way, posting a sign offering to help those who committed the act.

Sam De Sillery's car was targeted during a two-day spree which also saw seven of her neighbours counting the costs of similar attacks on their vehicles.

The 28-year-old single mother, from Perth in Australia, wrote a large sign with marker pen and put it up outside her house.

She shared it with her Facebook followers , joking that she might need some help with her spelling.

The sign read: "For those who keep breaking into my car, and keep smashing my neighbour's car windows , we are all doing it tough," she wrote.

"If it's food that you need, I will feed you. If you need warmth I have rugs, but most of all I can be your friend."
Single mum, Sam De Sillery's message to thieves who smashed her car windows
She told WA Today that it was a real, heartfelt offer: "I know it's hard to find work and there are a lot of people doing it really tough.

"I'm a single mum, so I know how tough it is and I get by through sharing food and support from family and friends.

"So instead of being angry I decided to put the sign up because I thought maybe I could help."
Single mum, Sam De Sillery's message to thieves who smashed her car windows
She admitted that the attacks had led many residents to leave their doors unlocked because the cost of replacing windows was so high.

One of her neighbours had a hose stolen from their garage which, she said, would sell for very little and showed that the crimes were petty. That is what inspired her to offer a helping hand.

Her Facebook page has been full of praise for the move, with April Bryant posting: "Love this."

"Your humanity and generosity to those who seek reward is to be applauded," added Anne Nicholson.


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