Thursday 29 September 2016

Donald Trump accuses Google of supressing Bad News about Hillary Clinton

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Presidential nominee claims search engine "suppressed" negative results relating to Hillary Clinton

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has accused Google of being involved in a conspiracy to rig search results relating to his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

During a Wisconsin rally on Wednesday, Trump told supporters that "Google's search engine was suppressing the bad news about Hillary Clinton", while discussing the results of a Google poll.

Trump refused to go into more detail regarding his claims, but they appear to stem from accusations levelled at Clinton earlier in the year. YouTube channel SourceFed published a video in June claiming to have discovered evidence that Google was intentionally hiding autocomplete results relating to Clinton's alleged crimes.

The video was picked up by Sputnik News , a state-controlled Russian news outlet. Sputnik claimed to have further substantiated the allegations, and also suggested that Google could be manipulating up to 3 million votes.

Google refuted the claims of SourceFed entirely, saying it "simply misunderstand[s] how Autocomplete works". In a statement to The Washington Times , the company explained: "Our Autocomplete algorithm will not show a predicted query that is offensive or disparaging when displayed in conjunction with a person's name."

This would not be the first time that Trump has made questionable claims of conspiracies. He is famously credited with starting the 'birther' movement - which claims that Obama was born in Kenya, rather than America - and has previously stated that global warming was invented in order to promote Chinese business

Despite evidence to the contrary, he has since vigorously denied making both claims and has a proven history of walking back from similarly inflammatory statements. Google could not be reached for comment regarding the accusations.


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