Friday 8 July 2016

Australian man calls police on father for burning his marijuana plants

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marijuana plants
An Australian man called police to complain that his father burned his cannabis plants after they had an argument.
Police arrived at a home at Humpty Doo in the Northern Territory at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday as the angry son confessed to illegally possessing the marijuana plants to report his father's actions.

"This enraged the son, he called us and told us everything basically," Duty Superintendent Jorgensen said.

Police said that fighting between the father and son "came to a head" after the son moved in a short time ago.

"As retribution his father burnt the son's prized cannabis plants in a bonfire on the property," Jorgensen told The Guardian . "The son felt this was wrong and reported the matter to police."

According to police, no charges were lodged against the son as the plants had been destroyed but officers were left shaking their heads at the situation.

"The evidence has been destroyed as has the son's reputation...people don't usually come forward to say their drug stash has been destroyed or stolen but there you go," one officer said.


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